Psalms Outlines
Disclaimer: These outlines are, to the best of my knowledge, original materials. Where appropriate, acknowledgement is given for “inspiration”. Content is intended to be mostly devotional in nature, although doctrine may “slip in.” Long-term intent is to post at least one outline for every chapter of the Bible.
Keith Anthony, 27 July 2017.
Psalm 1 Outlines
A Psalm of Comparisons
Psalm 1 compares the path of the righteous and the paths of the ungodly:
- A Downward Cycle (Psalm 1:1)
- A Dialobical Counsel (Psalm 1:1)
- Diligent Consideration (Psalm 1:2)
- A Different Course (Psalm 1:2)
- Driven Chaff (Psalm 1:4)
- Distinguishing Characteristics (Psalm 1:4)
- A Delivered Congregation (Psalm 1:5)
- A Definite Conclusion (Psalm 1:6)
A Cosmic Comparison
Psalm 1 contrasts an ungodly man with one who seeks God Almighty. There are numerous differences. Among them:
- They have Different Objectives
- They have Different Orientations
- They have Different Obsessions
- They have Different Orientations
- They have Different Obstacles
- They have Different Outcomes
Roadmarkers on the Road to Scorn
I know a little bit about this, as does any Christian who has lived for more than a few years. Psalm 1 talks about the seat of the scornful. Almost any Christian or every Christian has been abused by other Christians, mistreated by ministers, misunderstood, etc. Almost every Christian has been at one time or another on the wronmg side of an apparent double-standard. These are all dangerous place to be, as the response or rather how one decides to respond will make a world of difference. If you can picture Christianity as a highway, then there is also another parallel road, probably with a slow lane and a high-speed lane. At any point a Christian can exit off the Christian highway and get on this other road, going the opposite direction. Sometimes it is tough to recognize that you’ve done so. In Psalm 1, the destinations of these two roads are made known. The place of blessing and the seat of the scornful. So, I got to thinking more about this road to this seat of the scornful. Waht does the path looklike? What are the road-markers? This is just case you are seeing some of these roadmarkers of late. Maybe you are on this road to the seat of the scornful. Maybe there are a few roadsigns that will tell you that you are:
- Not Recognizing Blessings
- Reviling the Brethren
- Not Reading the Book
- Revelling in Bitterness
- Not Remembering the Burdens
- Not Regarding the Body
- Not Carrying the Burdens of Believers
The Psalm 1 Man
Psalm 1 provides a description of a different sort of man. The man seeks God. He seeks truth and righteousness. He is radically different from the man of the world, and the man of the flesh, and the man who seeks the Devil. The Psalm 1 man:
- Shuns Fools (Psalm 1:1)
- Has Select Friends (Psalm 1:1)
- Eats Spiritual Food (Psalm 1:2)
- Has Special Fellowship (Psalm 1:2)
- Exercises Simple Faith (All)
- Has his Sins Forgiven (All)
- Has a Spectacular Finish (Psalm 1:6)
The Ungodly Man
Psalm 1 provides insight into the ungodly man. The word “ungodly” is found 27 times in 24 verses in scripture, notably 4 times in Jude 15. Here is used in the corporate sense, as in ungodly people. Usages of the word:
- ungodly man (Psalm 1:1, Psalm 1:4, Psa 1:5, Psalm 3:7, Psalm 18:4, Proverbs 16:27, (Romans 4:4)
- ungoldy men (2 Samuel 22:5, 2 Chronicles 19:2, Job 16:11, Job 34:18, Psalm 1:6, Psalm 73:12, 1 Timothy 1:9, 1 Peter 4:18, 2 Peter 2:5, 2 Peter 2:6, 2 Peter 2:7, Jude 1:4, Jude 1:15)
- ungodly nation (Psalm 43:1)
- ungodly witness (Proverbs 19:28)
- ungodly deeds (Jude 1:15)
- ungodly actions (Jude 1:15)
- ungodly lusts (Jude 1:18)
Psalm 2 Outlines
Why Do the Heathen Rage
- They have no Savior
- They have no Seed
- They have no Seekers
- They have no Supplication
- They have no Security
- They have no Substance
- They have no Salvation
Why Do the Heathen Rage (II)
- Utter Rebellion (Futility) Psalm 2:1-3
- Undaunted Religion (Ferocity) Psalm 2:4-6
- Ultimate Reign (Finality) Psalm 2:7-9
- Urgent Recommendation (Fear) Psalm 2:10-12
- Untimely Return (Fire) Psalm 2:9
- Unmitigated Ruin (Finish) Psalm 2:9
- Un-applied Repentance (Forgiveness) Psalm 2:12
Psalm 3 Outlines
The Lord, My Help
- A Distressed Soul Psalms!Psa 03:02 (Psalm 3:2)
- A Durable Shield Psalms!Psa 03:03 (Psalm 3:3)
- A Defender & Sustainer Psalms!Psa 03:05 (Psalm 3:5)
- The Delightful Sleep of Peace Psalms!Psa 03:05 (Psalm 3:5)
- One Dependable & Sure Psalms!Psa 03:06 (Psalm 3:6)
- A Determined & Smiting Psalms!Psa 03:07 (Psalm 3:7)
- The Deliverer of Salvation Psalms!Psa 03:08 (Psalm 3:8)
What God Did for David
Commentators remind us that Psalm 3 recounts God’s protection of David during Absalom’s rebellion:
- God Saw him Surrounded by Enemies (Psalm 3:1)
- God Secured Him Against Overwhelming Odds (salm 3:1)
- God Sent him Help (Psalm 3:2)
- God Shielded him from Hurt (Psalm 3:3)
- God Sustained Him (Psalm 3:5)
- God Smote the Heathen (Psalm 3:7)
- God Separated the Teeth of the ungodly (Psalm 3:7)
A Time of Anguish
Commentators remind us that Psalm 3 recounts God’s protection of David during Absalom’s rebellion. (See the story in 2 Samuel 15:13-17:22). This was a time of:
- Personal Heartache – – and heartbreak, but by God’s grace and mercy, it was also a time of:
- Persistent Help (verses 3, 4, 5, 7)
- Protected Head – – God protected both David’s physical head and David’s throne, the headship as king (verse 3)
- A Penitential Heart – – no doubt that David fully realized that Absalom’s rebellion, along with many other family problems, results from his sin with Bathsheba. David was never the same after this succession of sin. He lived with his sorrow.
- Purifying and Healing – – there is nothing like God letting us reap the seed we have sown to let us experience his mercy. It is both a purifying and healing process to go through this. God delivers and cleanses, yet again.
- Preserved Honor – – David gets restored back to the throne, and Absalom is killed by Joab
- An Ever-Present Hope
Psalm 4 Outlines
Confidence in God
- Consideration for God’s Enemies (4:1)
- Call to the Faithful One (4:1)
- Confidence in God’s Way (4:1)
- Contentment in Heart (4:7)
- Countenance Provided (4:6)
- Confirmation of Presence (4:8)
- Calmness and Peace (4:8)
The Ministry of Lies
- Insincere Boldness – Do you take a hard stand against something, but in the details, one could see small compromises on the same issue
- Imperfect Book – Do you really have a perfect book? Do you actually believe the WORDS that it says?
- Impure Bride – what “little sins” of convenience do you overlook (most likely, non-Christians are not overlooking them)
- Insincere Brethren – Don’t pretend to care, if you don’t . . . don’t say you pray or will pray when you don’t or won’t . . . And why do you not care anyway?
- Inordinate Bonds – (Ezekiel 23:11) Who or what are you beholden to? Who are you secretly trying to be like?
- Inconsistent Beliefs – How much or your beliefs actually are not scriptural? And how would you react when someone showed you?
- Invisible Blessings – if you say you are a Christian, who are you being a blessing to?
Psalm 5 Outlines
Meeting God in the Morning
- God has prayers Directed to Him (Psalm 5:3)
- God Dwells away from Evil (Psalm 5:4)
- God Detests the Wicked (Psalm 5:5)
- God Destroys His Enemies (Psalm 5:6, 10)
- God Describes Rebellion (Psalm 5:9)
- God Defends the Faithful (Psalm 5:11)
- God Dispenses Blessings (Psalm 5:12)
Psalm 6 Outlines
The Place Where God is Near
- Recognizes Sin and its Damage (Psalm 6:2)
- Reaches a State of Despair (Psalm 6:3)
- Remembers the Source of his Deliverance (Psalm 6:4)
- Repeats his Sorrow and Distress (Psalm 6:6)
- Recounts the Sum of Adversaries (Psalm 6:7)
- Request for Sinners to Depart (Psalm 6:8)
- Rejoicing in the Savior and Deliverer (Psalm 6:9)
The Psalmists’s Situation Analyzed
- Acknowledges the Sinner Deserves God’s Anger (Psalm 6:1)
- Acknowledges the Sinner has Earned God’s Displeasure (Psalm 6:1)
- He Is Desiring Mercy (Psalm 6:2)
- Knows God Can Deliver Souls (Psalm 6:4)
- Knows The Dead have no Hope (Psalm 6:5)
- Chooses to Depart from Sinners (Psalm 6:8)
- Depends on God’s Reponses (Psalm 6:9)
Psalm 7 Outlines
A Psalm about Distress and Deliverance
Psalm 7:1
- Recognizes Sin and its Damage
- Reaches a State of Despair
- Remembers the Source of his Deliverance
- Repeats his Sorrow and Distress
- Recounts the Sum of Adversaries
- Requests Sinners to Departs
- Rejoices in his Savior and Deliverer
Psalm 8 Outlines
That Excellent Name
Psalm 8:1
- The Praise of Babes (Psalm 8:2)
- Power to Man (Psalm 8:2)
- The Place of Men (Psalm 8:4)
- Power over Creation (Psalm 8:6)
- The Paths of the Seas (Psalm 8:8)
- The Passing of Creatures (Psalm 8:8)
- The Presence of a Name (Psalm 8:9)
Psalm 9 Outlines
Mankind and his Place
Psalm 9:1
- My Rejoicing (Psalm 9:2)
- God’s Rebuke (Psalm 9:5)
- God’s Righteousness (Psalm 9:8)
- God’s Remembrance (Psalm 9:12)
- God’s Relief (Psalm 9:13) (notably, a choice for man is available in verse 13. Accept the mercy of God or perish in your own efforts to attain goodness)
- Human Result (Psalm 9:15) (mankind perishes in his own traps)
- Mankind’s Reality (Psalm 9:20) (This is the Genesis 10 problem: man takes himself far too seriously. But he is just a human, made from clay.)
- God’s Reminders (Psalm 9:20) (It is God’s mercy that reminds man of his place.)
Psalm 10 Outlines
When God Seems Far Away
- The Evil People (Wicked) (Psalm 10:2, 3, 4, 13, 15)
- They persecute (Psalm 10:2)
- They boast (Psalm 10:3)
- They ignore God (Psalm 10:4)
- They curse (Psalm 10:7)
- They ambush (Psalm 10:8)
- Act vindicated (Psalm 10:11)
- An Earnest Prayer (Waiting) (Psalm 10:12)
- An Extended Preparation (Withstand) (Psalm 10:17)
- The Enduring Promise (Win) (Psalm 10:18)
Psalm 11 Outlines
God is Watching
Introduction: Remember the popular song a number of years back, “God is Watching Us, from a Distance”? This song has some bad theology, diestic theology, that God is sitting back, detached from mankind. The song echoes the mantra of universalism, where everyone is one of God’s children, when only the redeemed are so. Psalm 11 tells a different story. God is at a distance, but that distance is the distance from our heads to our hearts, it is the distance of our fingers to the pages of a Bible. God is (1) actually very near, (2) available for all who seek him, (3) apparent for those who do not choose to ignore Him:
- He is Interested in Paths Mankind (Psalm 11:1)
- He Investigates the Manner of People (Psalm 11:1)
- He Intervenes is the Plans of Man (Psalm 11:2)
- He Interferes in the Programs of Evil (Psalm 11:2)
- He is Involved in the Progression of History (Psalm 11:4)
- He Invests in His Priorities (Psalm 11:4)
- He Inhabits His Property (Psalm 11:6)
Psalm 12 Outlines
These Words from the Lord
Introduction: They are:
- Provoked Words (Psalm 12:5) (for the …)
- Proving Words (Psalm 12:5) (now will I arise)
- Protecting Words (Psalm 12:5) (safety)
- Prevailing Words (Psalm 12:5) (Thou shall keep them)
- Precious Words (Psalm 12:6) (silver)
- Preserved Words (Psalm 12:7) (From this generation)
- Permanent Words (Psalm 12:7)
Psalm 13 Outlines
David’s Contemplation
- David Confides to God
- David Complains to God
- David Counsels his Soul
- David Compares Himself and his Enemies
- David Expresses Confidence in God
- David Becomes Content with God
- David Takes Comfort in God
- David Asks God to Consider him
- David Corrects his Misgivings of God
Psalm 14 Outlines
The Languishing and the Longing
Introduction: Psalm 14:
- Foul Activities (Psalm 14:1)
- Foolish Atheists – They say this because they choose to believe it, as if saying so will make God disappear. It is like the ostrich burying his head in sand – if they can’t see God, or won’t, then God will go away for them. (Psalm 14:1)
- Full Abandonement (Psalm 14:3)
- Man has become Filthy Altogether (Psalm 14:3)
- Man has developed a Fierce Appetite (Psalm 14:4)
- But they have a Fearful Attitude (Psalm 14:5)
- David awaits the Final Arrival (Psalm 14:7)
Things of the Wicked
Introduction: various:
- Dwelling Place of the Wicked (Job 08:22)
- Foolish Atheists – They say this because they choose to believe it, as if saying so will make God disappear. It is like the ostrich burying his head in sand – if they can’t see God, or won’t, then God will go away for them. (Psalm 14:1)
- Full Abandonement (Psalm 14:3)
- Man has become Filthy Altogether (Psalm 14:3)
- Man has developed a Fierce Appetite (Psalm 14:4)
- But they have a Fearful Attitude (Psalm 14:5)
- David awaits the Final Arrival (Psalm 14:7)
Psalm 15 Outlines
Who Gets to Dwell with God?
Introduction: Psalm 15 gives us a list of who gets to dwell with God, who gets to dwell in the holy hill of Zion? Note that in the Millennium, there will be a literal holy hill in Jerusalem!:
- He who Works Righteousness – (Psalm 15:2)
- He who Meditates on Truth – (Psalm 15:2)
- He who Does Not Backbite in Speech – (Psalm 15:3)
- He who Treats his Neighbour Well – (Psalm 15:3) see also Psalm 12:2 and Psalm 101:5
- He whose Eyes Despise a Vile Man – (Psalm 15:4)
- He who Does Not Put his Money Out to Usury – (Psalm 15:5)
- He who Does Not Betray the Brethren – (Psalm 15:5)
Psalm 16 Outlines
Introduction: Psalm 016 has a list of thirteen things that are mine, one thing that is from the Lord, and one thing that is promised:
- Thirteen Possession (Psalm 16:1)
- My trust (Psalm 16:1)
- My soul (Psalm 16:2)
- My Lord (Psalm 16:2)
- My goodness (Psalm 16:2)
- My delight (Psalm 16:3)
- My lips (Psalm 16:4)
- My cup (Psalm 16:5)
- My lot (Psalm 16:5)
- My right hand (Psalm 16:8)
- My heart (Psalm 16:9)
- My glory (Psalm 16:9)
- My flesh (Psalm 16:9)
- My soul (Psalm 16:10)
- One Provision (thine Holy One) (Psalm 16:10)
- One Promise (mine inheritance) (Psalm 16:5)
Psalm 17 Outlines
Introduction: Psalm 17
- The Presence of the Lord (Psalm 17:1)
- The Proven Heart (Psalm 17:2)
- Upheld Paths of the Wicked (Psalm 17:5)
- The Pride of Lost Mankind (Psalm 17:10)
- Prey for the Wicked (Psalm 17:12)
- The Purpose of the Wicked (Psalm 17:13)
- The Portion found only in this Life (Psalm 17:14)
Psalm 18 Outlines
My Source
- My Source of Strength (Psalm 18:1, Psa 18:32, Psalm 18:39)
- My Source of Salvation (Psalm 18:2)
- My Source of Solace (Psalm 18:6)
- My Source of Security (Psalm 18:18)
- My Source of Sympathy (Psalm 18:25)
- My Source of Skill (Psalm 18:34)
- My Source of Song (Psalm 18:49)
The Lord, A Man of War
- The Lord is a Fortress (Psalm 18:2)
- The Lord is a Deliverer (Psalm 18:2)
- The Lord is my Strength (Psalm 18:2)
- The Lord is a Buckler (Psalm 18:2)
- The Lord is a High Tower (Psalm 18:2)
- The Lord is a Horn (Psalm 18:2)
- The Lord is a Rock (Numbers 10:2, 2 Chronicles 13:14, Psalm 18:2)
Psalm 19 Outlines
What the Heavens Declare
- Reality – hard to ignore!
- Revelation (Psalm 19:1)
- A Return (Psalm 19:5) – bridegroom coming
- A Requirement (Psalm 19:7-14)
- Rejoicing in God (Psalm 19:8)
- Righteousness (Psalm 19:9)
- A Reward for Obedience (Psalm 19:11)
God’s Revealed Truth Is
- Communicated (Psalm 19:1)
- Continuous (Psalm 19:2)
- Indicative (Psalm 19:5)
- Climactic (Psalm 19:6)
- Converting (Psalm 19:7)
- To be Coveted (Psalm 19:10)
- Corrective (Psalm 19:11)
Profiting from God’s Revelation
- Revealing (Psalm 19:2)
- Redeeming (Psalm 19:7)
- Rejoicing (Psalm 19:8)
- Refreshing (Psalm 19:10) (Sweet)
- Rewarding (Psalm 19:11)
- Readying (Psalm 19:11)
- Refining (Psalm 19:12)
What Creation Provides
- Wonder (Psalm 19:1)
- A Witness (Psalm 19:3)
- Words (Psalm 19:4)
- Wisdom (Psalm 19:7)
- A Warning (Psalm 19:11)
Psalm 20 Outlines
My Savior
Introduction: Psalm 20
- Is a Savior that Hears (Psalm 20:1,9)
- Is a Savior that Helps (Psalm 20:2)
- Is a Savior that Honors (Psalm 20:3)
- Is a Savior that has a Heart for his People (Psalm 20:4)
- Is a Savior that provids Hope (Psalm 20:5)
- Is a Savior that has a Heritage (Psalm 20:6)
- Is a Savior that is on High (Psalm 20:6)
Psalm 21 Outlines
A Glimpse of the King
Introduction: Psalm 21:
- He has Eternal Life (Psalm 21:4)
- He has Exceeding Glory (Psalm 21:5)
- He has Endless Majesty & Honor (Psalm 21:5)
- He has Everlasting Blessing (Psalm 21:6)
- He has Enemies Destroyed (Psalm 21:8-10)
- He has Enormous Power (Psalm 21:13)
Psalm 22 Outlines
The Person of Christ as Prophet
Introduction: Psalm 22 depicts the first Psalm 22 is the first of the trinity of Psalms (22-24) which depict the triune mission of Jesus Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King. No interpretation of Psalm 22 fits better, or more completely, than Christ’s experience on the cross, where he:
- was Devoid of God’s help – – completely abandoned by God as he became sin
- was on Display to the mockers
- was Despised by the people – as a fool
- was Disrobed and naked (completed dishonored)
- was Depleted of energy, emotions, and dignity
- was Distressed and pierced (Verse 11)
- was Dying for all sin, past and future
Now Comes Jesus
Introduction: Psalm 22 depicts the first advent of Jesus and his role as the rejected prophet and lamb of God. Consider the parts of that story:
- Words of God’s Roaring – (Psalm 22: 1)
- The Wounds of Suffering
- The Worm of Sin – (Psalm 22: 6)
- The Womb of a Servant – (Psalm 22: 9-10)
- The Wicked that Encompassed Him – (Psalm 22: 12, 16)
- The World that will Remember (Psalm 22:27)
- The Ones who will Come – (Psalm 22:30, 31)
The Salvation Narrative
Introduction: Psalm 22 depicts the first Seen another way, Psalm 22 depicts the parts and purpose of the first advent. Consider the parts of that story:
- The Cry of Separation – (Psalm 22: 1-5)
- Separation from God’s presence
- Separation from God’s place
- Separation from God’s people
- Separation from God’s performance
- Separation from God’s preservation
- The Cost of Sin – (Psalm 22: 6)
- The Compassion Seen – (Psalm 22: 12, 16)
- The Congregation of the Saints – (Psalm 22: 22, 25)
- The Call of the Saved – (Psalm 22: 23)
- The Concern of the Sovereign (Psalm 22:24)
- The Conclusion of the Story – (Psalm 22: 27-31)
Seven Looks from the Cross
- The Upward Look (Psalm 22:1-3)
- The Backward Look (Psalm 22:4-6)
- The Outward Look (Psalm 22:7-8)
- The Inward Look (Psalm 22:14-17)
- The Downward Look (Psalm 22:18)
- The Onward Look (Psalm 22:22)
- The Millennial Look (Psalm)
The Work on the Cross
- The Separation (Psalm 22:1)
- The Sin (Psalm 22:6)
- The Scorn (Psalm 22:7)
- The Strength (Psalm 22:15)
- The Season
- The Speech (Psalm 22:22)
- The Satisfaction (Psalm 22:26)
- The Seed (Psalm 22:30, 31)
Psalm 23 Outlines
My Shepherd Gives Me
Introduction: Psalm 23:1
- Provision (Psalm 23:1)
- Pastures (Psalm 23:2)
- Paths (Psalm 23:3)
- Protection (Psalm 23:4)
- Presence (Psalm 23:5)
- A Prepared Table (Psalm 23:5)
- Preservation (Psalm 23:6)
Psalm 24 Outlines
The Coming King
Introduction: Psalm 24:1
- Going to the King (Psalm 24:3)
- The Godliness of his Followers (Psalm 24:4)
- The Grace He Dispenses (Psalm 24:5)
- The Generation that sees Him take the Throne (Psalm 24:6)
- A Glimpse of Him (Psa 24:7, John 18:1)
- The Gates of New Jerusalem (Psalm 24:7,9), pictured in Nehemiah 2-3
- His Glory (Psalm 24:7,10)
Psalm 25 Outlines
David’s Prayer
Introduction: Psalm 25:1
- Turn unto Me (Psalm 25:16)
- Attend to My Affliction (Psalm 25:18)
- Take Care of My Enemies (Psalm 25:19)
- Deliver Me
- Bring Me out of Distress (Psalm 25:17)
- Redeem Me (Psalm 25:22)
- Preserve Me (Psalm 25:21)
Psalm 26 Outlines
David’s Credibility
Introduction: Psalm 26:1
- His Purity (Psa 26:4,5)
- His Proof
- His Pronouncement
- His Performance (Psalm 26:1, 4, 5)
- His Proclamation (Psalm 26:7)
- His Pleadings (Psalm 26:9,11, 12)
- His Perseverance (Psalm 26:12)
Psalm 27 Outlines
Seeing God at Work
Introduction: Psalm 27:1
- Witnessing the Schemes of the World (Psalm 27:3)
- Witnessing the Lies of Sinners (Psalm 27:12)
- Wondering about the Supernatural Miracles to happen
- Wanting the Saviour (Psalm 27:8)
- Waiting on the Lord’s Salvation (Psalm 27:14)
- Watching the the Lord of Show (Psalm 27:6)
Psalm 28 Outlines
David’s Very Personal Faith
- His Supplications (Psalm 28:2, 6)
- His Surety (Psalm 28:5)
- His Song (Psalm 28:7)
- His Strength (Psalm 28:7, 8)
- His Shield (Psalm 28:7)
- His Source of Rejoicing (Psalm 28:7)
- His Salvation (Psalm 28:8, 9)
Psalm 29 Outlines
The Voice of the Lord
Psalm 29:1
- God’s Place (Psalm 29:1)
- God’s Presence Obvious (Psalm 29:3-9)
- God’s Power Observed (Psalm 29:4)
- God’s Peace Obtained (Psalm 29:11)
- God’s People (Psalm 29:11)
- God’s Preservation Ordained (Psalm 29:11)
- God’s Providence
Psalm 30 Outlines
God’s Favour
Introduction: The superscription for Psalm 30 reads “A Psalm and Song at the dedication of the house of David,” connecting it with the dedication of the site for the Temple (1 Chronicles 21:26 and 1 Chronicles 22:1). The psalm has three verses (Psalm 30:2, Psalm 30:8, and Psalm 30:10) with 13 words, showing that despite David’s sin and deep-down rebellion, God still kept His covenant with David. Instances of the number 13 typically indicates rebellion, or an opportunity to choose between rebellion or obedience, or here, repentance. Psalm 30:3 indicates that God had delivered David, at some point, from the brink of death. Some hold that Psalm 30:6-7 refers to the plague God sent in response to David’s census, done against God’s command (see 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21). Consider aspects of God’s favor upon David:
- David was spared at the Brink of Death (Psalm 30:3)
- God’s favor was David’s Basis for Deliverance (Psalm 30:5)
- God’s favor was given despite David’s Bad Declaration – David was comfortable and secure and apparently forgot the source of all his blessings. (Psalm 30:6)
- God’s seeming absence results in David’s Better Decision (Psalm 30:7)
- Because of God’s favor David gets Blessing instead of Dust (Psalm 30:9)
- God changed David’s Bitterness into Dancing (Psalm 30:11)
- Because of God’s Favor, David has a Bright Destiny (Psalm 30:11)
Do you have God’s favor in your life? Do you even want it?
Psalm 31 Outlines
David’s Cry
- Special Trust (Psalm 31:1)
- Secret Traps (Psalm 31:4)
- Singular Trouble (Psalm 31:7)
- Slandered Times (Psalm 31:13)
- Sovereign Times (Psalm 31:15)
- Striving Tongues (Psalm 31:20)
- Silenced Troublemaker (Psalm 31:23)
Psalm 32 Outlines
Becoming Blessed
- Confirmation of Forgiveness (Psalm 32:1-2)
- Confession of Sin (Psalm 32:3-5)
- Counsel to a Saint (Psalm 32:6)
- Contentment in the Lord (Psalm 32:7-11)
- Correction to the Walk (Psalm 32:9)
- Conclusion to the Matter (Psalm 32:10-11)
What Happens when God Delivers
Introduction: Psalm 32 records rejoicing of a man who has been delivered:
- The Sinner is Cleaned
- The Slate is Cleared
- The Sin is Covered
- The Sentence is Cancelled
- Satisfaction is Created
- A Saint is Counselled
- The Storm is Calmed
What Jesus Becomes
Introduction: For the saved man Psalm 32 shows what Jesus becomes to him:
- The Shelter in Distress
- Safety in Danger
- The Song of Deliverance
- The Shout in Despair
- Source of Delight
- A Supply in Drought
- Strength in Discouragement
- A Certain Dwelling-place
Psalm 33 Outlines
A Common Heart
- Can Hear (Deuteronomy 6:5)
- Can Hearken (John 33:21)
- Can Heed (Proverb 15:28)
- Can Hold to God (Deuteronomy 6:5)
- Can be Hoodwinked (Ephesians 4:18)
- Can be Hexed (2 Peter 2:14)
- Can be Hardened (John 12:40)
Psalm 34 Outlines
A Faith Worth Having
- In One I can Continually Praise the Lord (Psalm 34:1)
- In One that is Constantly Present (Psalm 34:1)
- In One who Considers my Pleas (Psalm 34:6)
- In one who is Certifiably Proven (Psalm 34:8)
- In whom I Get Unceasing Provision (Psalm 34:9)
- In whom who Provides Comforting Proximity (Psalm 34:18)
Imperatives for the Believer
- Bless the Lord (Psalm 34:1)
- Praise the Lord (Psalm 34:1)
- Boast of the Lord (Psalm 34:2)
- Magnify the Lord (Psalm 34:3)
- Exalt the Lord (Psalm 34:3)
- Seek the Lord (Psalm 34:4)
- Taste the Lord (Psalm 34:8)
- Trust in the Lord (Psalm 34:8)
An Involved God
- He Enlightens his People (Psalm 34:5)
- He Lingers Nearby (Psalm 34:7, 18)
- He is Longing to Bless (Psalm 34:10)
- He is Looking at the Saints (Psalm 34:15)
- He is Listening for their Prayers (Psalm 34:15)
- He is Looming against Evil(Psalm 34:16)
Psalm 35 Outlines
A Heartfelt Cry
- A Distinct Petition (Psalm 35:24) (for enemies . . .)
- To be Confounded (Psalm 35:4)
- To be Confused (Psalm 35:4, 26)
- To Become Chaff (Psalm 35:5)
- To be Chased (Psalm 35:5)
- To be Consumed (Psalm 35:8)
- To be Clothed in Shame (Psalm 35:25)
- To be Conquered (Psalm 35:28)
- A Dangerous Prayer (Psalm 35:24)
- A Definite Promise (Psalm 35:28)
Help, Please
- The Asking (Psalm 35:1)
- Admiration (Psalm 35:10)
- Adversity (Psalm 35:15)
- Abjects (Psalm 35:15)
- Adversaries (Psalm 35:15)
- Assembly (Psalm 35:18)
- Activation (Psalm 35:23)
- Acknowledgment (Psalm 35:27)
Psalm 36 Outlines
The Wicked and the Faithful
David describes the backdrop of evil and evil men, but contrasts it with the deliverance of God and his attributes working on behalf of the faithful:
- The Wicked Have No No Fear of God (Psalm 36: 1)
- The Wicked Practice Self Flattery (Psalm 36: 2)
- The Wicked Miss the Faithfulness of God (Psalm 36: 5)
- The Faithful Partake of the Fatness of God’s House (Psalm 36: 8)
- The Faithful Partake of the Fountain of Life (Psalm 36: 9)
- The Faithful are Delivered from the Foot of Pride and the Hand of the Wicked (Psalm 36: 9)
- The Wicked will Fall and Not Rise (Psalm 36:12)
Lives of the Wicked
Introduction: Notice verse 3 with 13 words, an opportunity for leaders to rebel. Notice that Babylon shows up in verse 13, along with a witness provided to Babylon!:
- Show no Fear of God (Psalm 36:1)
- Demonstrate Self-Flattery (Psalm 36:2)
- Are Full of Iniquity & Deceit (Psalm 36:3)
- Are Founded in Mischief (Psalm 36:4)
- Miss the Fountain of God (Psalm 36:9)
- Finish in Destruction (Psalm 36:11)
- Are Futile (Psalm 36:12)
The Wicked & the Righteous
- Direction of the Wicked Psalm 36:2
- Deceit of the Wicked Psalm 36:3
- Devices of the Wicked Psalm 36:4
- Distinction of the Righteous (Psalm 36:5, 6)
- Decision of the Righteous (Psalm 36:7, 8, 9)
- Deliverance of the Righteous (Psalm 36:10)
- Deeds of the Wicked (Psalm 36:12)
- Destination of the Wicked (Psalm 36:12)
Psalm 37 Outlines
Looking Back
Introduction: This past week, I’ve watched someone pass a significant age milestone, but it is one I passed quite a while ago. I have always liked Psalm 37, but especially verse 25. The verse talks about some inevitable things, like getting old. And, it talks about some certain things for a Christian, such as God never forsaking his people and always providing for them. I have seen this in my 38 years of being a Christian, and I’ve seen other things. So, this is a short commentary on my first 38 years of Christianity.
- A Slow Burn. (Hebrews 12:1) I see this in at least two ways. First there is the long race, a marathon, for believers. Christianity is not a print: it is a distance event. Christianity is a tedious and day-by-day journey. The second aspect is that of refining. I am thankful that the refining in my life, a necessary thing, has been a slow burn. Look at Psalm 12:6-7. Like the completion of a perfect Bible, refining uses fire and heat to burn out impurities and imperfections. I don’t like pain. I don’t like trouble. I don’t like trials. I really don’t even like heat and fire. I don’t like getting burned! Maybe a slow and steady refinement is a good thing.
- Speed Bumps. Another thing I’ve encountered along my Christian experience is speed bumps. These have been times when big events or situations have knocked my off the slow and steady, maybe even predictable, path. It is especially important to note that many, if not all, of these have been of my OWN doing. It may be a scandalous thing, but God has gotten me through each of these.
- All Sorts of Brethren. Another part of Christianity has been the fact that God has brought all sorts of brethren into my life. Some have passed. Some are close at hand. All, though, have made part of my life for a specific reason. Some I have helped. Many more have helped me. Some … I don’t know yet! For some, the next time I see them will be in heaven where for eternity we can talk of God’s goodness.
- A Special Book. One thing that has motivated my Christianity has been the Bible. I for one cannot understand any Christian who does not have a burning and consuming passion to understand every word in it. What does one actually do with a perfect and living book? Open it up once or twice a week? Ignore it when it is inconvenient? Its a whole new ball game when you recognize the Bible for what it is …
- A Solid Beliefs. God gives us solid, consistent, and reliable body of beliefs and then He proves them over and over again. Beliefs such as saved by grace alone, belief that all things work together for good to those who love God, belief that God’s word will not return void!
- Special Blessings. God graces us with special blessings. How about time I got to lead my son to the Lord? What about my grandchildren? What about God providing direction in life and leading to a church where scripture is magnified?
- A School Building. So salvation is just the beginning. The rest of Christian life is getting to know God, getting to know truth, getting to learn how to be blessing to God and his people.
- (Looking Ahead) A Spectacular Baccalaureate (Graduation). Finally, I have something quite unique to look forward to and that is what comes after this life. Turn to 1 Corinthians 2:9. Now think of the best thing that has happened to you in this life. It will be incomparable to what awaits the believer.
When the Wicked Triumph
Introduction: Psalm 37:2
- An Apparent Problem (Psalm 37:1)
- Abandoned Paths (Psalm 37:1–11)
- Awesome Prophecies (Psalm 37:1–40)
- Attractive Pursuits (Psalm 37:11–22)
- Abiding Principles (Psalm 37:32–40)
- Almighty Preservation (Psalm 37:28)
- Absolute Promises (Psalm 37:1–11)
Prayer for Israel’s Time of Trouble
Key words in Psalm 37 include “fret” (found 3 times) and “inherit” (found 5 times in Psalm 37:9, Psalm 37:11, Psalm 37:22, Psalm 37:29 and Psalm 37:34).
- The Wicked Have No No Fear of God (Psalm 36: 1)
- The Wicked Practice Self Flattery (Psalm 36: 2)
- The Wicked Miss the Faithfulness of God (Psalm 36: 5)
- The Faithful Partake of the Fatness of God’s House (Psalm 36: 8)
- The Faithful Partake of the Fountain of Life (Psalm 36: 9)
- The Faithful are Delivered from the Foot of Pride and the Hand of the Wicked (Psalm 36: 9)
- The Wicked will Fall and Not Rise (Psalm 36:12)
Psalm 38 Outlines
Out of Sorts with God
Introduction: In the Psalm, the writer is facing both the physical consequences of his sin and the spiritual, and is immensely bothered by both:
- The Displeasure of God (Psalm 38:1)
- Disease in the Soul (Psalm 38:7)
- Disquietness in the Soul (Psalm 38:8)
- A Desire to be Restored (Psalm 38:9)
- The Distance from Fellowship (Psalm 38:11)
- The Danger & Deceit that is present (Psalm 38:12)
- The Declaration that needs to be Made by Every Man (Psalm 38:18)
Psalm 39 Outlines
Pleas from a Man in Trouble – A Nation in trouble
Introduction: The word “selah” in the chapter puts a Tribulation flavor to the chapter.
- Heeding the Ways (Psalm 39:1)
- Impassioned Heart (Psalm 39:3)
- A Handbreadth in the scheme of things (Psalm 39:0)
- With a firm Hope (Psalm 39:7)
- Handled (Psalm 39:10)
- A Humbling (Psalm 39:11)
- Pleading for a Hearing (Psalm 39:12)
Psalm 40 Outlines
- Patience (Psalm 40:1)
- Pit (Psalm 40:2)
- Praise (Psalm 40:3)
- Pride to be avoided (Psalm 40:4)
- Preaching (Psalm 40:9)
- Preservation (Psalm 40:11)
- Presence of evil (Psalm 40:12)
Psalm 41 Outlines
Pure Religion
Introduction: This psalm reveals the enriching and ennobling power of true religion. When James spoke of a pure religion, he implied that there was a religion which was both spurious and sinful. True religion implies a false religion. This world is filled with false, spurious, and impure religions. Pure religion makes a person considerate, charitable, kind, and pure.
- Empowers (Psalm 41:1)
- Preserves (Psalm 41:2)
- Protects (Psalm 41:2)
- Prioritizes (both for you and for God) (Psalm 41:11)
- Perseveres (Psalm 41:13)
- Pictures God’s Care for the Helpless (like helpless sinners)
Acknowledgment: Assisted by Heslop
Psalm 42 Outlines
Needing God
- Panting (Psalm 42:1) (As a dear seeks water)
- Pouring (Psalm 42:4)
- Praising (Psalm 42:5, 11)
- Praying (Psalm 42:8)
- Pondering (Psalm 42:9)
- Provoking (Psalm 42:10)
- Persuading (Psalm 42:11)
Psalm 43 Outlines
All the Nations
Introduction: Scripture describes nations of the earth:
- An Ungodly Nation (Psalm 42:1)
- A Foolish Nation (Deuteronomy 32:21)
- A Sinful Nation (Isaiah 1:4)
- A Hypocritical Nation (Isaiah 10:6)
- A Nation Trodden under Foot (Isaiah 18:2)
- A Nation Void of Counsel (Deuteronomy 32:8)
- A Holy Nation (Exodus 19:6)
Psalm 44 Outlines
Jacob’s Troubles
Source: Inspired by Ruckman Commentary on Psalms.
Introduction: Pslam 44 is clearly the period of the Great Tribulation, with Psalm 45 following as the Marriage of the Lamb takes place in Heaven (Esther 1–2).
- The Son of Perdition (Psalm 44:1)
- Situation Foretold
- Selah Foretold (Psalm 44:8)
- Jews Sacrificed (Psalm 44:11, 22)
- Sold into Slavery (Psalm 44:12)
- The Shadow of Death (Psalm 44:23–24) (see also Exodus 1–3, Job 10:21–22, Isaiah 9:2)
- The Second Advent Desired (Psalm 44:26)
Psalm 45 Outlines
The Wedding Scene
Introduction: All of what we expect at a wedding, but on a grand and glorious scale!
- A Gracious Husband (Psalm 45:2)
- Glory & (Psalm 45:8)
- Gladness & Happiness (Psalm 45:7)
- The Groom is Here (Psalm 45:8)
- The Guests on High (one theologian argues – and I agree – that the wedding guests will include believers from all ages, such as those before the Law, Gentile believers during the Law, etc – all there to witness the Lord and His bride)(Psalm 45:8)
- Gifts handed over (Psalm 45:12)
- The Gown and Handmaidens (Psalm 45:14)
Psalm 46 Outlines
There is a Refuge
Introduction: Psalm 46:1
- There is a Refuge (Psalm 46:1, 7, 11)
- There is a Removal of Evil (Psalm 46:2)
- There is a River of Life – for God’s People (Psalm 46:4)
- There is a Raging by God’s Enemies (Psalm 46:6)
- There is Ruin for Evil (Psalm 46:8)
- There is a Resolution of the Conflict between Good and Evil (Psalm 46:9)
- There is a Remedy for Sin (Psalm 46:10)
- There is a Repose for Righteousness (Psalm 46:11)
Things of the Lord
Introduction: Psalm 46:2
- The Welcome of the Lord (Psalm 46:1, 11)
- The Water of the Lord (Psalm 46:4)
- The Words of the Lord (Psalm 46:6)
- The Works of the Lord (Psalm 46:8)
- The Wrath of the Lord (Psalm 46:9)
- The Wars of the Lord (Psalm 46:9)
- The Worship of the Lord (Psalm 46:10)
Psalm 47 Outlines
The Reigning King
Introduction: Psalm 47:1
- The Chronology of end-time Events (Psalm 44-47)
- The Culmination of History (Psalm 47:2)
- The Command of this King (Psalm 47:2)
- The Conquests of this King (Psalm 47:3)
- The Concern of this King (Psalm 47:4)
- The Chorus of Praise (Psalm 47:6)
- The King enthroned (Psalm 47:7)
Psalm 48 Outlines
God on His Throne in His City
- His Greatness (Psalm 48:1)
- His Geography (Psalm 48:2)
- Our Refuge (Psalm 48:3)
- His Goodness (Psalm 48:9)
- Our Gladness (Psalm 48:11)
- His Glorification (Psalm 48:10)
- Our Guide (Psalm 48:14)
Psalm 49 Outlines
The Big Problems Still Remain
Introduction: Psalm 49 has three verses with 13 words (1, 8, and 13), showing that the word will rebel against truth and choose to believe (in vain) that mankind can solve his basic problems, But he has not and will not. Another title could be “New Year – Same Unsolved Problems”: (The Reigning King)
- Religious Conflict (Psalm 49:13)
- War (Psalm 49:13)
- Famine (Psalm 49:13)
- Sickness (Psalm 49:13)
- Death (Psalm 49:13)
- Natural Disasters (Psalm 49:13)
- Murder and Theft (Psalm 49:13)
Psalm 50 Outlines
The Mighty God
- Speaks (Psalm 50:1)
- Shines (Psalm 50:2)
- Is Not Silent (Psalm 50:3)
- States our Errors (Psalm 50:6)
- Has Statutes (Psalm 50:16)
- Takes note of Slander (Psalm 50:20)
- Offers Salvation (Psalm 50:23)