John Outlines
Disclaimer: These outlines are, to the best of my knowledge, original materials. Where appropriate, acknowledgement is given for “inspiration”. Content is intended to be mostly devotional in nature, although doctrine may “slip in.” Long-term intent is to post at least one outline for every chapter of the Bible.
Keith Anthony, 27 August 2017.
John 1 Outline
The One
- One Sent (John 1:6)
- One Source (God) (John 1:6)
- One Speaking (John) (John 1:7)
- One Shining (John 1:9)
- One Seen (John 1:29)
- One Spirit (John 1:31) (witnessing of Jesus)
- One Sacrifice (John 1:36)
- One Saviour (John 1:36)
John 2 Outline
The Start of Jesus’ Ministry
- The Third Day (John 2:1)
- A Thousand Years (John 2:1)
- Thirst (for wine) (John 2:3)
- A Thorough Transformation (John 2:8)
- The Temple Cleansed (John 2:15-17)
- Things that Corrupt (John 2:16)
- Total Confusion (John 2:21)
John 3 Outline
The Secret Believer
- An Unobserved Meeting (John 3:2)
- Beheld Miracles with Odour (John 3:2)
- A Born-Again Message (John 3:3)
- Like a Blowing Wind (John 3:8)
- A Blemished Master (John 3:10)
- Believing and (Un)Believing Men (John 3:1, 12)
- The Begotten Son (John 3:16)
John 4 Outline
A Side Trip to Samaria
- The Disciples Baptising (John 4:2)
- A Timely Departure (John 4:3)
- True Water Drawn (John 4:13-14)
- A Tremendous Decision (John 4:29)
- Testimony of Deliverance (John 4:39)
- Two Days in Samaria (John 4:43)
- Turned from Death (John 4:51)
John 5 Outline
The Pool
- A Feast Prepared (John 5:1)
- A Filled Pool (John 5:2)
- Five Porches (John 5:2) (the one other use of the word “porches” is in Ezekiel 41:15 describing the Millenial Temple)
- Frail & Impotent (John 5:3) (describing The people of Israel, describing the leaders, describing the religion)
- A Fixed Problem (John 5:9)
- A Figurative Place (John 5:13)
- Religion is Faithful in Persecuting True Faith (John 5:16)
John 6 Outline
Fed in the Wilderness
- Multitudes (John 6:2)
- Miracles (John 6:2)
- Manna (John 6:22) (the mention of manna in the passage makes the connection to Israel’s time in the Wilderness, and by type, the Tribulation to come)
- Marvelling (John 6:10, 28)
- Murmuring (John 6:41, 43, 61)
- Misunderstanding (John 6:41, 42) (they misunderstood the dual nature of things, a physical and a spiritual; and the difference in the physical kingdom of Heaven and the spirtual kingdom of God)
- Many to be Damned (John 5:29)
John 7 Outline
The Politics of Rejection
- The Polarization (John 7:12)
- The Problem (What if Jesus was speaking truthfully?) (John 7:16)
- The Pharisees in action (John 7:33, 45)
- Jesus’ Appeal (John 7:37)
- A Prophet Like unto Moses (John 7:40) (cross references Deuteronomy 18:15, 18:18, and 34:10)
- The Politics (John 7:48)
- The Prejudice (John 7:52)
John 8 Outline
Court in Session
- Court in Session (John 8:3)
- The Accusers (John 8:03, 10)
- Command of the Law (John 8:05)
- Conscience (John 8:09)
- Conviction (John 8:09)
- Condemnation (John 8:10)
- Clemency (John 8:11)
John 9 Outline
A Blind Man Sees
- The Blindness (John 9:1)
- Blame (John 9:2)
- The Birth (John 9:3)
- The Blessing (John 9:3) (A different way to think about the problems from which God delivers you – they are a testimony and blessing to others …)
- A Beggar (John 9:08)
- A Biography (John 9:11)
- The Bestowal of Sight (John 9:3)
John 10 Outline
About Sheep
- They Have a Shepherd (John 10:2)
- They have Security (John 10:2)
- They have Shelter (John 10:9)
- They have Safety (John 10:9)
- They are Protected from the Stranger (John 10:13)
- They Listen for the Sound of the Shepherd (John 10:4)
- There are Separate Sheep and Scattered Sheep (John 10:12, 16)
John 11 Outline
Lazarus, Back from the Dead
- Somebody’s Brother (John 11:21)
- Their was Belief (John 11:26, 27)
- He was Buried (John 11:44)
- He was Bound (John 11:44)
- He was Beckoned (John 11:43)
- He was Beheld (John 11:44, 12:02)
- He Became a Beacon (John 11:45)
John 12 Outline
The Judas Effect
- Fellowship Occurring with Odour (John 12:2)
- Filled with Odour (John 12:3)
- A Fault Observed (John 12:5)
- A Fool Offended (John 12:5)
- A Financial Obsession (John 12:6)
- A Faithful Observance (John 12:7)
- The Unfortunate (will be) Omnipresent (John 12:8)
- A Famous One (John 12:9)
John 13 Outline
The Work of Judas & Peter
- A Devil Following (John 13:2)
- Dirty Feet (John 13:5)
- Duty of the Faithful (John 13:14)
- Dipping of Food (John 13:26)
- Departure of a Fool (John 13:27)
- Doubt & Fear (John 13:31-35)
- Denial Forecast (John 13:38)
John 14 Outline
Jesus, the Complete Package
- A Pace Prepared (John 14:1)
- The Passage Prearranged (John 14:06)
- His Principles Proven (John 14:12)
- His Prayer Promised (John 14:16)
- His Performance Presented (John 14:23)
- His Peace Provided (John 14:27)
- His Persecution Predicted (John 14:30)
John 15 Outline
The Vine
- Vine (John 15:1)
- Vermin (cast away) (John 15:6)
- Vintage (fruit) (John 15:8)
- Voice (John 15:14)
- Victory (John 15:16)
- Vexation (John 15:20)
- The Comforter who Vouches (John 15:26, 27)
John 16 Outline
Uprooting Religion
- The Synagogues (John 16:1)
- Service
- The Sent One (John 16:7)
- Sin (Reproved) (John 16:8)
- Speech (John 16:13) (changes to truth)
- The Source (John 16:13) (of truth)
- Shewing (John 16:13) (things to Come)
- Sorrow (John 16:20) (changed)
- Scattering (John 16:32)
John 17 Outline
Jesus Prays for Us
- Power over Flesh (John 17:2)
- The Performance Finished (John 17:4)
- The Perspective of Faith (John 17:9, 14)
- The Protection for the Faithful (John 17:15)
- The Provision for the Faithful (John 17:15)
- A Process of Refining (John 17:19)
- Perfection Found (John 17:23)
John 18 Outline
A Trial
- Disciples Concealed (John 18:1)
- Peter Draws & Cuts (John 18:10) (not how the sword is to be used)
- Delivered Counsel (John 18:15)
- A Damsel Accuses (John 18:17)
- Defiled in Character (John 18:28)
- A Different sort of Kingdom (John 18:36)
- The Desire of the Crowd (John 18:40)
John 19 Outline
The Greatest Event in Human History
- A Crown Displayed (John 19:2)
- Crucifixion Demanded (John 19:7)
- Caesar Defended (John 19:12)
- Christ Delivered (John 19:16)
- Companions Deciding (John 19:18)
- Caption Displayed (John 19:19)
- The Casting of Dice (John 19:24)
- Coat Undivided (John 19:24)
John 20 Outline
The Morning After
- Running in the Dark (John 20:2)
- A Racing Disciple (John 20:3)
- Revealed Doctrine (John 20:16)
- Unrestricting Doors (John 20:19)
- Recited Distinctives (John 20:23)
- Resolved Doubts (John 20:26-29)
- Reaching Didymus (John 20:27
John 21 Outlines
The Last Words
- A Repeat Appearance (John 21:1, 14)
- Return to Ambivalence (John 21:3)
- A Revealing Answer (John 21:5)
- Required Advice (John 21:6, 7)
- Responsive Action (John 21:6)
- Repeated Admonition (John 21:15–17)
- Return Announced (John 21:22)
The Other Things Jesus Did
- Ran the Show
- Redeemed Sinners
- Rewarded Service
- Rearranged Situations
- Revealed Himself
- Was Ready to Assist
- Resided in Scripture