Categories: Outlines

Outlines – Book 23: Isaiah Outlines (20170714)

Isaiah Outlines

Disclaimer: These outlines are, to the best of my knowledge, original materials.  Where appropriate, acknowledgement is given for “inspiration”. Content is intended to be mostly devotional in nature, although doctrine may “slip in.” Long-term intent is to post at least one outline for every chapter of the Bible.

Keith Anthony, 14 July 2017.

Isaiah 1 Outlines

Israel: Ruined

  1. A Hasty Rebellion (Isaiah 01:2)
  2. Horrible Revolts (Isaiah 01:5)
  3. A Hopeful Remnant (Isaiah 01:9
  4. A Unwholesome Rulers (Isaiah 01:10)
  5. A Hypocritical Religion (Isaiah 01:11
  6. A Harsh Refining (Isaiah 01:25-27)
  7. A Happy Redemption (Isaiah 01:25-27)

Isaiah 2 Outlines

What’s Ahead

  1. The Voice (Isaiah 02:15)
  2. A Vision (Isaiah 02:1)
  3. Vanity (Isaiah 02:69)
  4. Vexation (Isaiah 02:10, 19, 21)
  5. Visitation (Isaiah 02:18, 21)
  6. Victory (Isaiah 02:4)

Isaiah 3 Outlines

Look at the Leaders

  1. The Prophets Gone (Isaiah 03:2)
  2. The Prudent Removed (Isaiah 03:2)
  3. The Proven Rejected (Isaiah 03:2)
  4. Oppression Rampant (Isaiah 03:5)
  5. Pride Everywhere (Isaiah 03:8)
  6. The Poor Hurting (Isaiah 03:14, 15)
  7. Provocation Continues (Isaiah 03:8)

Isaiah 4 Outlines

Light at the End of the Tunnel

  1. A Future Prophesied (Isaiah 4:1)
  2. Fruit Promised (Isaiah 4:2)
  3. A Few Preserved (Isaiah 4:3)
  4. Filth Purged (Isaiah 4:4)
  5. A Fire to Purify (Isaiah 4:5)
  6. A Refuge to be Provided (Isaiah 4:6)
  7. A Finality Prepared (Isaiah 4:1)

Isaiah 5 Outlines

A Ruined Vineyard

Introduction: The word vineyard is found 7 times in chapter and Woes 6 times . . . (vineyard, in type, is OT Israel)

  1. Wild Grapes (Isaiah 6:4)
  2. Walls Gone-to-Ruin (Isaiah 6:5)
  3. Woes Given (Isaiah 6:8,11,18,20,21,22)
  4. Work Unregarded (Isaiah 6:12)
  5. Wasted Glory (Isaiah 5:14)
  6. The Wisdom of Goats (Isaiah 5:20{23)
  7. The Wickedness Glorifed (Isaiah 5:23)

Isaiah 6 Outlines

A Vision of Holiness

  1. The Perfect Lord (Isaiah 6:1)
  2. Purified Lips (Isaiah 6:5, 7)
  3. Purged Leaven (Isaiah 6:7)
  4. Unperceived Law (Isaiah 6:10)
  5. Preset Length (Isaiah 6:11)
  6. Repudiated Land (Isaiah 6:12)
  7. A Remnant for the Lord (Isaiah 6:13)

The Mission Briefing

  1. The Covering Seraphim (Isaiah 6:2)
  2. Crying Witnesses (Isaiah 6:3)
  3. Unclean Lips (Isaiah 6:5)
  4. Coals of Fire (Isaiah 6:6)
  5. Closed Eyes and Ears (Isaiah 6:10)
  6. Converted Souls (Isaiah 6:10)
  7. Cities Waster (Isaiah 6:11)

Isaiah 7 Outlines

Ephraim’s End

  1. The Fuller’s Field (Isaiah 7:03)
  2. Fearful Threats (Isaiah 7:04)
  3. Foes Amass for Ephraim (Isaiah 7:6)
  4. Fateful Moments for Ephraim (Isaiah 7:8)
  5. Final Judgment for Ephraim (Isaiah 7:8)
  6. A Faithful Message (Isaiah 7:14)
  7. A Future Miracle (Isaiah 7:14)

Isaiah 8 Outlines

The Spoil and the Spoiler

  1. The Assyrian (Isaiah 8:4, 7) -In type this is Maher-shalal-hash-baz, whose name weans “hasten ye to the spoil”. The name is the longest word in the AV 1611 and has 18 letters
  2. The Anticipated One (Isaiah 8:8) – Waiting in the Wings
  3. Association (Isaiah 8:9, 10, 12) – Mankind organizing himself against God: don’t join with them!
  4. Apostates (Isaiah 8:20) – Their identifying characteristic is that the have no spiritual light
  5. The Anguish (Isaiah 8:12)
  6. The Angst (Fear) (Isaiah 8:12, 13) – fear is OK, as long as fear is of the right thing
  7. The Alternate Spirits (Isaiah 8:13) – Since the spiritual lights are out, they go to a false light!

Isaiah 9 Outlines

A Child with Seven Names

Introduction: Isaiah 9:6 identifies the two natures: he had to be born as a human son (Mary’s line), and as the Son of God, to have the requisite dual nature. He had to be born of Mary’s line to have a rightful claim to the throne.

  1. The Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6, Luke 11:14)
  2. Counsellor (Isaiah 9:6, John 7:46)
  3. The Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6, John 10:30)
  4. The Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6, Colossians 1:17)
  5. The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6, Philippians 4:4-7)
  6. Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14, John 1:34, John 1:49)
  7. Jesus (Matthew 1:21)

Source: Adapted from Ministry in Focus (1:6), Nov-Dec 1969, W. Ross Rainey

Isaiah 10 Outlines

God Judging a Nation

  1. God’s Rejection of Injustice (Isaiah 10:1)
  2. A Rod of Judgment (Isaiah 10:5)
  3. The Assyrians’ Self-Regard (Isaiah 10:7-11)
  4. A Refining Fire (Isaiah 10:16-19)
  5. A Remnant to be Preserved (Isaiah 10:20-23)
  6. God’s Removal of the Assyrians (Isaiah 10:24-34)

Isaiah 11 Outlines

The Branch

  1. The Rod of Judgment (Isaiah 11:4)
  2. Rest to the Earth (Isaiah 11:6-9)
  3. The Root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:10)
  4. The Recovery of Israel (Isaiah 11:11)
  5. The Restoration (Isaiah 11:12)
  6. Rivals Destroyed (Isaiah 11:13-15)
  7. A River Separated (Isaiah 11:15)

Isaiah 12 Outlines

A Hymn to the Holy One of Israel

  1. A Hymn of Praise (Isaiah 12:1)
  2. A Hymn of Preservation (Isaiah 12:2)
  3. A Hymn of Protection (Isaiah 12:2)
  4. A Hymn of Provision (Isaiah 12:3)
  5. A Hymn of Peace (Isaiah 12:5)
  6. A Hymn of Proclamation (Isaiah 12:6)
  7. A Hymn of Presence (Isaiah 12:6)

Isaiah 13 Outlines

The End of Babylon

  1. The Burden (Isaiah 13:1)
  2. Babylon the Great (Isaiah 13:1, 19)
  3. The Banner (Isaiah 13:2)
  4. The Battle (Isaiah 13:4)
  5. Before their Eyes (Isaiah 13:16)
  6. Beauty Lost (Isaiah 13:19)
  7. Beasts that Inherit (Isaiah 13:21, 22)

Isaiah 14 Outlines

The 5th Cherub

  1. The First King (Isaiah 14:11)
  2. The Fallen One (Isaiah 14:12)
  3. Five “I wills” (Isaiah 14:13-14)
  4. The Future Judgment (Isaiah 14:15)
  5. A Futile Attempt (Isaiah 14:15)
  6. His Final Destination (Isaiah 14:19)
  7. His Forsaken Place (Isaiah 14:23)

Isaiah 15 Outlines

Moab Made Meek

  1. A Notable Lineage (Ar given to the children of Lot) (Isaiah 15:1)
  2. A Night of Destruction (Isaiah 15:1)
  3. Name Strongholds (Isaiah 15:1, 2)
  4. Nebo (Isaiah 15:2)
  5. No Green (Isaiah 15:6)
  6. Nomads (Isaiah 15:7)
  7. Noise of Anguish (Isaiah 15:8)

Isaiah 16 Outlines

A Plan for Moab

  1. A Place Designated (Sela) (Isaiah 16:1) – Here, it may have been to protect Moabites from the Assyrians, but in the Great Tribulation, it will be Jews (Revelation 12:6, 13-14)
  2. Protection (Isaiah 16:3)
  3. The Prayer (Isaiah 16:12)
  4. The Proud (Isaiah 16:12)
  5. The Promise of Destruction (Isaiah 16:14)
  6. The People Remaining (Isaiah 16:14)

Isaiah 17 Outlines

The Burden of Damascus

  1. The Ruins of Damascus (Isaiah 17:1)
  2. The Remnant of Syria (Isaiah 17:3)
  3. A Reaping (Isaiah 17:5)
  4. The Rest of It (Isaiah 17:6)
  5. Respect Redirected (Isaiah 17:8)
  6. A Rushing of Waters (Isaiah 17:12, 13)
  7. God’s Rebuke of Waters (Isaiah 17: 13)

Isaiah 18 Outlines

A Nation Gifted

Introduction: Isaiah 18 is acknowledged as one of, if not the, hardest chapters in scripture. What is the gift? Is it a nation? Is the tabernacle, legendarily being kept in Ethiopia?

  1. A Mystery Nation (Isaiah 18:1) – A nation beyond the rivers of Ethiopia might be in the Africa \Great Lakes” region, and a people “trodden” could be Tanganyika (now Tanzania), but this is speculation 
  2. Messengers Sent (Isaiah 18:2)
  3. A Meting Out (Isaiah 18:2)
  4. Mountains (Isaiah 18:3, 6)
  5. A Mount of destination (Mt Zion) (Isaiah 18:7)
  6. A Millennial Scene (Isaiah 18:3, 7)

Isaiah 19 Outlines

Egypt & Assyria

  1. Tribulations (Isaiah 19:1{10)
  2. Tribes (Isaiah 19:11{17)
  3. Repudiation (Isaiah 19:17)
  4. Transformation (Isaiah 19:18{22)
  5. (Former) Troublers (Isaiah 19:24)
  6. A Trinity (Isaiah 19:23-25)

Isaiah 20 Outlines

Ashdod & Egypt

  1. Sargon the King (Isaiah 20:1)
  2. Secrets in scripture – Sargon, the king of Assyria, was unknown to history until his name was, in our times, found upon monuments, and thus Isaiah’s record confirmed.
  3. Sackcloth & shoes – indication of the circumstances the Egyptians would have to face
  4. Strife in Egypt – Egypt in a state of disarray
  5. Signs for Egypt (Isaiah 20:3)
  6. The Shame of Egypt (Isaiah 20:4)
  7. The Slide of Egypt – Egypt began monotheistic, and its demise parallels the account in Romans (speaking of mankind) 

Acknowledgment: Assistance from H. A. Ironside, Expository Notes on the Prophet Isaiah

Isaiah 21 Outlines

Babylon, Dumah, and Arabia

  1. An Overwhelming Burden (Isaiah 21:01)
  2. Oppressors of Israel and Judah (Isaiah 21:1, 11, 13)
  3. Obvious Enemies
  4. Opposition to God (Revelation 17{18)
  5. Overwhelming End (Revelation 17{18)
  6. Opposite Sides of a chasm (Isaiah 21:11)

Acknowledgment: Assistance from H. A. Ironside, Expository Notes on the Prophet Isaiah

Isaiah 22 Outlines

Against Jerusalem

  1. Comfort Missing (Isaiah 24:04)
  2. Conquering Spirit (Isaiah 24:5-7)
  3. Covering of Jerusalem (Isaiah 24:8)
  4. Contrary Spirit (Isaiah 24:12{14)
  5. Captivity Ahead (Isaiah 24:17)
  6. Keys to the Kingdom (Isaiah 22:22, Revelation 3:7) – The verse is obviously speaking of Jesus Christ through Eliakim, just as with David in the Psalms
  7. The King is on his way (Isaiah 24:24)

Isaiah 23 Outlines

Replacing a Bad Tyre

  1. Birds of a Feather (Isaiah 23:1, 17)
  2. Another Babylon (Isaiah 23:1)
  3. Business (Isaiah 23:3)
  4. The Big Picture (Isaiah 23:9)
  5. The Breaking (Isaiah 23:11)
  6. The Building Program (Genesis 11, Isaiah 23:13)
  7. The Beast Behind it All (Isaiah 23:13)

Isaiah 24 Outlines

Earth Rises up Against God

  1. Defiles the Earth (Isaiah 24:5)
  2. Darkens the Earth (Isaiah 24:11)
  3. Guarantees Devouring the Earth (Isaiah 24:6)
  4. Guarantees Desolation the Earth (Isaiah 24:12)
  5. Rewards the Treacherous Dealers (Isaiah 24:16)
  6. Summons the Destroyer (shows up in verse 18) (Isaiah 24:18)
  7. Guarantees Dissolution the Earth (Isaiah 24:19)

Isaiah 25 Outlines

A Worthy God

  1. Does Wonderful Things (Isaiah 25:1)
  2. Watches out for the Needy (Isaiah 25:4)
  3. Is Worthy (Isaiah 25:4)
  4. Awakens the Nations (Isaiah 25:7)
  5. Wipes away Tears (Isaiah 25:8)
  6. Is Worth Waiting for (Isaiah 25:9)
  7. Tears Down Walls Wonderful Things (Isaiah 25:12)

Isaiah 26 Outlines

Deliverance Promised

  1. Perfect Peace (Isaiah 26:3)
  2. Protected Poor (Isaiah 26:6)
  3. The Pure Path (Isaiah 26:7)
  4. The Persecutors Perished (Isaiah 26:14)
  5. A Pleading Prayer (Isaiah 26:16)
  6. Painful Pangs (Isaiah 26:17-18)
  7. Promised Punishment (Isaiah 26:21)

Isaiah 27 Outlines

A Friend, and his End

  1. The Serpent (Isaiah 27:1)
  2. The Sword (Isaiah 27:1)
  3. The Sentence (Isaiah 27:1)
  4. The Strength of the Lord (Isaiah 27:5)
  5. The Smiting (Isaiah 27:7)
  6. The Slaughter (Isaiah 27:8)
  7. The Site (Isaiah 27:13)

Isaiah 28 Outlines

Getting Knowledge, God’s Way

Introduction: There are ditches on both sides of the the road of knowledge. It puffeth up, but the other ditch is ignorance. The modern Christian avoids doctrine and knowledge, preferring the \worship” experience, because doctrine must be endured, and studying scripture is labor … :\

  1. Knowledge has Substance
  2. Knowledge requires Study
  3. Getting Knowledge is Slow (Isaiah 28:13)
  4. Its seeker must be Steady (Isaiah 28:13)
  5. Getting it is Systematic (Isaiah 28:10)
  6. Getting it is a test of Sincerity (Isaiah 28:13)
  7. It leads to Surety (Isaiah 28:17)

Isaiah 29 Outlines

Jerusalem: Past, Present and Future

Introduction: God will spend 2,000 years changing the heart of Jerusalem:

  1. Ritual Death in the sacrifices (Isaiah 29:1)
  2. Jerusalem will Speak from the Dust (Isaiah 29:4)
  3. Distress to Come (Isaiah 29:7)
  4. A Sure Destiny (War) (Isaiah 29:8)
  5. then, the Darkness will be Lifted (Isaiah 29:18)
  6. The spiritually Deaf will Hear (Isaiah 29:18)
  7. The King’s Doctrine will be taught (Isaiah 29:24)

Isaiah 30 Outlines

Egypt, Once Again

Introduction: See Isaiah 30:14 – A nation is destroyed when it has no use for God’s word (Jeremiah 18:06{10, 19:16). There are no exceptions. And the same applies for any group of “God’s people.”

  1. Fickle & Rebellious (Isaiah 30:1, 9)
  2. Finding a Refuge (Isaiah 30:2)
  3. Fiery Reptiles (Isaiah 30:6)
  4. A Fitting Return (Isaiah 30:15)
  5. A Full Rest (Isaiah 30:15)
  6. Firm Rebuke (Isaiah 30:17)
  7. Fire & Brimstone (Isaiah 30:33)

Isaiah 31 Outlines

Don’t Go Back to Egypt

  1. A World Imperfect (Isaiah 31:1)
  2. Woe Promised (Isaiah 31:1)
  3. Wisdom Provided (Isaiah 31:2)
  4. Words Powerful (Isaiah 31:2)
  5. Workers Impure (Isaiah 31:1)
  6. Way (Isaiah 31:6)
  7. Wasting (Isaiah 31:8)

Isaiah 32 Outlines

In a Little While

  1. A Purity & Righteousness (Isaiah 32:1, 16, 17)
  2. A Promised Reigns (Isaiah 32:1)
  3. A Pure River (Isaiah 32:2)
  4. A Protecting Rock (Isaiah 32:2)
  5. Plain Speech at the Ready (Isaiah 32:4)
  6. Poor to be Recompensed (Isaiah 32:7)
  7. Peace & Rest (Isaiah 32:18)

Isaiah 33 Outlines

When I Get Back:

  1. The Corporate Fleeing (Isaiah 33:3)
  2. The Collective Fear (Isaiah 33:3)
  3. The Comforting Filling (Isaiah 33:5)
  4. The Consuming Fire (Isaiah 33:6, 14)
  5. A Conclusive Fulfillment (Isaiah 33:17)
  6. The Coming Forgiveness (Isaiah 33:24)

Isaiah 34 Outlines

Payback Time

  1. Slaughter (Isaiah 34:2, 6)
  2. Stink (Isaiah 34:3)
  3. Sword (Isaiah 34:5, 6)
  4. Settling (Recompenses) (Isaiah 34:86)
  5. Smoke (Isaiah 34:10)
  6. Slums of God’s Judgment (Isaiah 34:11{15)
  7. Seek (Isaiah 34:16) (one of the 296 times that forms of the word “seek” are used in scripture, much to the chagrin of the sovereign grace crowd. In the midst of this treatise on judgment, there is a cry for men to seek God.)

Isaiah 35 Outlines

Millennial Blessings

  1. A Rejoicing Land (Isaiah 35:1)
  2. The Original Land-grant (Not modern Israel, but the land promised to Abraham in Genesis 15:18 and that given to Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:8.) (Isaiah 35:1)
  3. A Recompensing Lord (Isaiah 35:4)
  4. Rivers of Life (Isaiah 35:6)
  5. Restored Locution (Isaiah 35:6)
  6. A Righteous Lane (Isaiah 35:8) (See Proverbs 16:16, Isaiah 11:16 and  19:23.)
  7. Ransomed of the Lord (Isaiah 35:10)

Isaiah 36 Outlines

Sennacherib Arrives

  1. Three Defeats
    1. 2 Kings 18-19, 2 Chronicles 32, Isaiah 36-373 accounts of Sennacherib’s conquest of Jerusalem
    2. 3 accounts of Nebuchadnezzar’s conquest of Jerusalem
    3. 3 destruction of Jerusalem: (1) under Nebuchadnezzar, (2) under Titus in 70 AD, and (3) under Antichrist in Tribulation (Revelation 11:1-2)
  2. Thorough Destruction (Isaiah 34:5, 6)
  3. ITemporary Reprieve (with Hezekiah)
  4. Untrue Deliverance (claimed by Sennacherib) (Isaiah 36:18)
  5. Trivial Idols (Isaiah 36:19)
  6. Troubling Diatribe (Isaiah 36:20)
  7. Total Dependence (on God on the part of Hezekiah) (Isaiah 36:22)

Isaiah 37 Outlines

What’s Ahead

  1. A Rebuke Well-Spoken (Isaiah 37:3)
  2. Reproved Words (Isaiah 37:4)
  3. A Remnant Watched Over (Isaiah 37:4)
  4. A Rumour that Worries (Isaiah 37:7)
  5. A Return Wanted (Isaiah 37:7, 8, 31, 37)
  6. A Ruined Warlord (Isaiah 37:26)
  7. A Root Well-Watered (Isaiah 37:31)

Isaiah 38 Outlines

A Miracle Gone Sour

  1. Hezekiah’s Total Corruption (Isaiah 38:17)
  2. Hezekiah’s Tragic Condition (Isaiah 38:17)
  3. Hezekiah’s Tremendous Conversion (Isaiah 38:17)
  4. Hezekiah’s Attained Celebration (Isaiah 38:18)
  5. Hezekiah’s Triumphant Confession (Isaiah 38:18{20)
  6. Hezekiah’s Terrible Compromise (Isaiah 39:2)
  7. Hezekiah’s Taken Children (Isaiah 39:7)

Hezekiah’s Miracles

  1. An Expression of Sorrow (Isaiah 38:3)
  2. The Extras Span (40 minutes extra)(Isaiah 38:8)
  3. Expressive Eyes (Isaiah 38:14)
  4. An Extraordinary Sign (Isaiah 38:10)
  5. The End in Sight (Isaiah 38:12, 13)
  6. An Emergency Supplication (Isaiah 38:16)
  7. An Empty Celebration (Isaiah 38:18)

Isaiah 39 Outlines

Hezekiah’s End

  1. Forgotten Astonishment Approach (2 Kings 20:1-11, Isaiah 39:2) (Hezekiah’s miraculous recovery)
  2. Foolish Approach (Isaiah 39:2)
  3. A Fateful Advertisement (Isaiah 39:2)
  4. Fool-hardy Arrogance (Isaiah 39:2)
  5. Foretold Authority (Isaiah 39:7)
  6. A Fatalistic Attitude (Isaiah 39:8)

Isaiah 40 Outlines

Two Advents

  1. Comfort Manifest (Isaiah 40:1)
  2. Two Comings Misunderstood (Isaiah 40:2{5)
  3. Crooked Made Straight (Isaiah 40:4)
  4. Community of Mankind (Isaiah 40:17)
  5. Counting as Something Miniscule (Isaiah 40:17)
  6. Comparison to the Almighty (Isaiah 40:18)
  7. Comprehending God’s Majesty (Isaiah 40:28)

Isaiah 41 Outlines

Care for Israel

  1. Chosen Earthlings (Isaiah 41:9, 24)
  2. Care for the Exiles (Isaiah 41:10)
  3. Confounded Enemies (Isaiah 41:11)
  4. Contenders Eliminated (Isaiah 41:12)
  5. As Chaff_ Eradicated (Isaiah 41:15, 16)
  6. A Consideration Evident (Isaiah 41:20)
  7. The Coming Events (Isaiah 41:23)

Isaiah 42 Outlines

Jesus on the Way

  1. Former is Gone (Isaiah 42:3)
  2. No Failure (Isaiah 42:4)
  3. No more Refraining (Isaiah 42:14)
  4. No Forsaking (Isaiah 42:16)
  5. Looking for some to Follow (Isaiah 42:23)
  6. Fire (Isaiah 42:25)
  7. Fury (Isaiah 42:25)

Isaiah 43 Outlines

Restoring an Undeserving Israel

  1. Witnesses (Isaiah 43:10, 12)
  2. Work (Isaiah 43:13)
  3. Waters (Isaiah 43:16)
  4. Way (Isaiah 43:16, 19)
  5. Wilderness (Isaiah 43:19)
  6. Weariness (Isaiah 43:22, 23)
  7. Unworthiness (Isaiah 43:27)

God’s Chosen

  1. God’s Possession (Isaiah 43:1)
  2. Guarded Passages (Isaiah 43:2)
  3. Glorious Preservation (Isaiah 43:2)
  4. Regarded as Precious (Isaiah 43:4)
  5. Great Price (Isaiah 43:4)
  6. Gathered People (Isaiah 43:5)
  7. Grand Purpose (Isaiah 43:7)

Isaiah 44 Outlines


  1. A Servant (Isaiah 44:1)
  2. The Seed (Isaiah 44:3)
  3. The Spirit (Isaiah 44:3)
  4. The Sins (Isaiah 44:22)
  5. The Songs (Isaiah 44:23)
  6. The Cities (Isaiah 44:26)
  7. The Shepherd (Cyrus, as a type of the Lord) (Isaiah 44:28)

Isaiah 45 Outlines

Cyrus, the Type

  1. The Anointing (Isaiah 45:1)
  2. An Announcement (Isaiah 45:2{4)
  3. The Abundance (Isaiah 45:3)
  4. Attributes (Isaiah 45:5, 6)
  5. The Ashaming (Isaiah 45:16, 24)
  6. An Assembling (Isaiah 45:20)
  7. The Authority (Isaiah 45:23)

Isaiah 46 Outlines

Israel’s (And Everyone’s) Idols

  1. Impotent and Lifeless (Isaiah 46:2)
  2. Instances of Man’s Works (Isaiah 46:6)
  3. Critically Important to False Religion (Isaiah 46:7)
  4. Inconvenient to Serve (Isaiah 46:7)
  5. Incapable of Deliverance (Isaiah 46:7)
  6. Incomparable to God (Isaiah 46:9{10)
  7. Insignificant in the Face of Judgment (Isaiah 46:11)

Isaiah 47 Outlines

The Great Whore Destroyed

  1. The Sayings (Isaiah 47:7, 8)
  2. The Sorceries (Isaiah 47:9, 12)
  3. The Suddenness (Isaiah 47:11)
  4. The Stargazing (Isaiah 47:13)
  5. The Stubble Remaining (Isaiah 47:14)
  6. The Seduction (Revelation 17:02)
  7. The Sovereignty

Isaiah 48 Outlines

A Reliable God and Reliable Promises

  1. False Claims (Isaiah 48:1)
  2. Former Confirmation (Isaiah 48:3)
  3. Refrained from being Cut-o_ (Isaiah 48:9)
  4. A Refining Cauldron (Isaiah 48:10)
  5. Foundations Created (Isaiah 48:13)
  6. A Flowing Cleavage (Isaiah 48:21)
  7. Final Claim (Isaiah 48:22)

Isaiah 49 Outlines

Salvation Provided for All

  1. Shadow of Protection (Isaiah 49:2)
  2. Shafts of Purpose (Isaiah 49:2)
  3. A Strength Provided (Isaiah 49:4)
  4. Salvation Present (Isaiah 49:6)
  5. Sustenance Provided (Isaiah 49:10)
  6. Singing of Praise (Isaiah 49:13)
  7. Cessation of Persecution (Isaiah 49:25-26)

Isaiah 50 Outlines

God, the Divorcee

  1. A Doctrine of Divorcement (Isaiah 50:1)
  2. The Defilement (Isaiah 50:1)
  3. A Deliverer (Isaiah 50:2)
  4. A Determination (Isaiah 50:7)
  5. The Darkness (Isaiah 50:10)
  6. The Deception (man-made sparks) (Isaiah 50:11)
  7. The Direction of Mankind (Downward) (Isaiah 50:12)

Isaiah 51 Outlines


  1. Followers of Substance (Isaiah 51:1)
  2. Fear Ceased (Isaiah 51:7)
  3. Fleeing Sorrow (Isaiah 51:11)
  4. Fury (Isaiah 51:13)
  5. Foundations Established (Isaiah 51:13)
  6. Famine & Sword (Isaiah 51:19)
  7. Fainting Stopped (Isaiah 51:20)

Isaiah 52 Outlines

Church Age and Advent

  1. Taken People (no more) (Isaiah 52:5)
  2. Terrific Preaching (Isaiah 52:7)
  3. Tidings Published (Isaiah 52:7)
  4. Together Piping (Isaiah 52:8, 9)
  5. 2000-year Period (the semi-colon) (Isaiah 52:7)
  6. Touching (no) Impurity (Isaiah 52:11)
  7. Untold Promises (Isaiah 52:15)

Isaiah 53 Outlines

The Redeemer Arrives

  1. Caustic & Dry Ground (Isaiah 53:2)
  2. No Comeliness or Desire (Isaiah 53:2)
  3. A Common Depravity (Isaiah 53:6)
  4. A Common Depravity (Isaiah 53:6)
  5. Conquered & Dumb (Isaiah 53:7)
  6. Clear of Deceit (Isaiah 53:9)
  7. Continuing Days (Isaiah 53:10)
  8. A Cosmic Division (Isaiah 53:9, 12)

Isaiah 54 Outlines

What Israel Gets

  1. Inhabitants (Isaiah 54:3)
  2. Inheritance (Isaiah 54:3)
  3. An Instant of Judgment (Isaiah 54:7)
  4. Immortal Kindness (Isaiah 54:8)
  5. Instruments to destroy enemies (Isaiah 54:16)
  6. Invulnerability (Isaiah 54:17)

Isaiah 55 Outlines

Sure Mercies

  1. Wine Found (Isaiah 55:1)
  2. Water Found (Isaiah 55:1)
  3. Witness sent Forth (Isaiah 55:4)
  4. Wickedness Forsaken (Isaiah 55:7)
  5. God’s Ways far Beyond (Isaiah 55:8 9)
  6. Word Flourishing (Isaiah 55:11)

Isaiah 56 Outlines

Leaders of Israel

  1. Salvation Available (Isaiah 56:1)
  2. Sabbaths Adhered (Isaiah 56:2)
  3. Sons Accepted (Isaiah 56:2, 3, 5, 6)
  4. Servants Attentive (Isaiah 56:6)
  5. Sacrifices Accepted (Isaiah 56:7)
  6. Slumber Abundant (Isaiah 56:10)
  7. Shepherds Awry (Isaiah 56:11)

Isaiah 57 Outlines

Woes for the Wicked

  1. Souls of the Righteous (Isaiah 57:1)
  2. Sons of the Sorceress (Isaiah 57:3)
  3. Seed of the Adulterer (Isaiah 57:3)
  4. Sport of the Wicked (Isaiah 57:4)
  5. Stones in the Water (Isaiah 57:6)
  6. Sacrifices & Idolaters (Isaiah 57:7)
  7. Sentence of the Wicked (Isaiah 57:20)

Isaiah 58 Outlines

OT Religion

  1. Outward Religion (Isaiah 58:3)
  2. Oppressive Rules Religion (Isaiah 58:4)
  3. An Observed Redeemer (Isaiah 58:9, 10)
  4. Obscured Realities (Isaiah 58:10)
  5. Order Restored & Repaired (Isaiah 58:12)
  6. Orthodoxy Regarded (Isaiah 58:13)

Isaiah 59 Outlines

A Recipe to Provoke

  1. Hand not Shortened (Isaiah 59:1)
  2. Hearing not Stopped (Isaiah 59:1)
  3. Heaviness Sensed (Isaiah 59:1)
  4. Hindrances Set up (Isaiah 59:1)
  5. Heart Insincere (Isaiah 59:4)
  6. Hatching of Sin (Isaiah 59:5)
  7. Haste to Please Self (Isaiah 59:7)

Isaiah 60 Outlines

Zion in the Millennium

  1. The Guaranteed Covenant
  2. Great Conversion (Isaiah 60:2)
  3. Graceful Continuance (Isaiah 60:11)
  4. Gentiles Converted (Isaiah 60:11, 16)
  5. God’s Centerpiece (Isaiah 60:14, 18)
  6. A Glorious City (Isaiah 60:14, 18)
  7. Gifts Coming (Isaiah 60:17)

Isaiah 61 Outlines

Two Advents

  1. The Message (Isaiah 61:1)
  2. The Meek (Isaiah 61:1)
  3. The Mourning (Isaiah 61:2)
  4. A Mystery (2,000-year comma) (Luke 04:18-19, Isaiah 61:2)
  5. The Many (Isaiah 61:4)
  6. The Ministers (Isaiah 61:6)
  7. The Millennium (Isaiah 61:11)

Isaiah 62 Outlines

After the Return

  1. The Righteous Company (Isaiah 62:1)
  2. The Royal Crown (Isaiah 62:3)
  3. Renamed Crowd (Isaiah 62:4)
  4. Rocks Cast (Isaiah 62:10)
  5. The Restored City (Isaiah 62:12)
  6. The Redeemed Citizens (Isaiah 62:12)
  7. The Righteous Courts (Isaiah 62:12)

Isaiah 63 Outlines

Care During Jacob’s Troubles

  1. Unanticipated Messiah (Isaiah 63:1)
  2. Unknown Might (Isaiah 63:1)
  3. Heathen Undoing Made (Isaiah 63:6)
  4. Unstopped Mentions (Isaiah 63:7)
  5. Unrestrained Mercies (Isaiah 63:15)
  6. Messiah’s Uniqueness Made (Isaiah 63:6)

Isaiah 64 Outlines

A Prayer for Deliverance

  1. God’s Presence Requested (Isaiah 64:1, 2, 3)
  2. Perception Restored (Isaiah 64:4)
  3. Potter Regarded (Isaiah 64:8)
  4. Prayer Rendered (Isaiah 64:9)
  5. People Renamed (Isaiah 64:9)
  6. Pleasant Things Removed (Isaiah 64:11)
  7. Praise Remembered (Isaiah 64:14)

Isaiah 65 Outlines

Enemy’s Last Stand

  1. Thoughts of Impurity (Isaiah 65:2)
  2. Togetherness for Different Peoples (Isaiah 65:6, 25)
  3. An Evil Troop Present (Isaiah 65:11)
  4. An Nasty Table Prepared (Isaiah 65:11)
  5. Thirst Promised (Isaiah 65:13)
  6. A Tree Planted (Isaiah 65:22)
  7. Tranquility & Peace (Isaiah 65:25)

Isaiah 66 Outlines

The Final Chapter

  1. Those who Delighted in Abomination (Isaiah 66:3, 17)
  2. Those who Denied God His Answer (Isaiah 66:4)
  3. Those whose Destiny is Abhorrence (Isaiah 66:24)
  4. A Dividing Appearance (Isaiah 66:4)
  5. Those Determined to be Ashamed (Isaiah 66:5)
  6. A Deliverance to Abundance (Isaiah 66:11)
  7. A Dispensing of Anger (Isaiah 66:15)