World Mission Vision

Romans 10:15 – And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

At Philadelphia Baptist Church we believe that God has a world vision for the lost, according to John 3:17. We strive to fulfill the Great Commission by our faithful monthly contributions to mission projects all over the world. We continue to seek out men and women faithful to the Word of God, burdened to give the Gospel to regions beyond our physical reach. Each church family is encouraged to give sacrificially, above their regular church support, to a mission work that burdens their heart. Please pray for these works, that a door of utterance will be opened to them, and that many souls will be won for Jesus Christ.


  • Tyler Campbell – Scotland
  • Steve Combs – Bearing Precious Seed Global
  • Mark Dunlap – Mozambique
  • Humberto Gomez Sr. – Mexico
  • Jose Gomez – Mexico
  • Jordan Green – Mexico
  • Vince LaRue – Chile
  • David Lohman – Ukraine
  • Eric Michel – Georgia
  • Ted Mullins – Missions Training
  • Chris Resmondo – Malawi
  • David Robinson – Malawi
  • Chris Rue – Ukraine
  • Doug Schwaderer – Canary Islands
  • David Spurgeon – Evangelist
  • Cliff Taylor – Evangelist
  • Israel – names withheld for safety reasons
  • Dave Yocom – Navajo Nation