In these unstable times it is important to know what you believe and to have a firm faith and foundation. This is what Philadelphia Baptist Church of Spring Valley, Ohio is all about. Our worship, fellowship, and services are centered around the Words of God.
Through the preaching and teaching of the King James Bible, and the fellowship of the brethren we endeavor to provide Christians with the necessary foundation to help them in their daily walk. Located in a country setting, but only minutes from all the main suburbs of Dayton, Ohio and the Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) area, we invite you to visit Philadelphia Baptist Church.
If you are looking for opportunity to serve the Lord, the fields are white to harvest, and labourers are few. From children ministry, music ministry, nursing home, jail, and visitation ministries, we have plenty to do serving our Lord Jesus Christ and bringing souls to him. If you hunger for a deeper understanding of the Scriptures, Philadelphia Baptist Church is the place for you. Come have a cup of coffee/tea with us, open up a Bible and find the treasures God has given us through his Words.
If you live outside the Dayton area, please feel free to look through our pages and be encouraged. Bookmark us and visit often. And if you are traveling through, please stop in. We’re saving a seat for you.

Sermon – Due North

Sunday School – The Gap Pt 6

Sermon – What I Have Written I Have Written